Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Stuck in the 80's

Why is it that it is now 2012 and I'm still seeing the infamous 80's hair poof?! We saw it in the 90s and it was almost ok because it was still slowly phasing out. Then we saw it in the 2000s and that was really over doing it. and now here we are 2012 and its simply unacceptable! As humans we are supposed to adapt to our surroundings. Im pretty sure the pleated denim and hair poof has been uncool for going on 25 years and yet still some woman are still rockin it like its the coolest thing since sliced bread! And out of all the trends to drag on...why this one?! I mean thats as bad as a man still rockin a "rat tail". What the fuck is wrong with people?! Do they see people around them and think we are all uncool because we have adapted and changed for the better with new trends. and I wonder what the hairstylist thinks of their clients getting the same style cut for almost 30 years LOL. Any hairstylist that allowes this shit to be still going on need to be shot in the face and then put on display to make an example out of them.

      You dont see many professional women rockin the whitesnake 80s hair poof anymore...whats that tell ya?! Being stuck in a certain era while everyone else moves on holds you back prefessionally. I mean really...what prefessional office is going to take u seriously when your now in your 40s and ur doing your hair the same way u did in your highschool yearbook!?
The Hairstyle of will see no 80s poof here

I wonder how many graduates from the 80s go back to highschool reunions and still look the same...well besides aging like an old hag, but HEY! atleast u can still make your hair POOF, but in reality u dont look young u just look like an idiot who cant move on. it takes the saying "u havent changed since highschool!" to a whole new level HAHAHA
       The 80s was the only decade that males and females had the same hairstyle:

Thank God men had the common sense to ditch this do! I would have felt like a raging lesbian if I had fucked a man that looked like this. Are you sure these men dont have a vagina?!

Ok So your yearbook hair has changed a little:

used up much!?

Ok lady so im not sure as to whether that fro/ 80s thing u got going on was ever cool but lets pretend it was....and now we move on to the 2012s and congrats to you for slightly changing it up, but lets face it YOUR STILL LIVING IN THE 80s. You have to poof going, and the feathering along the sides, and not to mention YOUR OLD NOW, this isnt doing it for ya anymore. You look like a old worn out christmas sweater from the 80s thats collecting dust (and wrinkles) in someones attic

Next time you see this shit feel free to speak up! They will thank u in the long run when they look at decades of pics and realise somethings not quite right hahaha do someone a favor today and tell them they look like a fuckin tard and buy them a gift certificate to a trendy fun hairstylist that simply wont allow this!

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