Thursday, October 6, 2011

A guide to finding the perfect hairdresser

Though not all of us use em, we all need em. Im talkin about hairdressers folks. "high end" salons are popping up everywhere nowadays it seems. Its amazing how even in times of economic hardship people will spend an arm and a leg on beautifying themselves. Finding a good hairdresser is NOT always easy. Usually have to go through one or more hair-tastrifies before getting a good one. As you read on I will go over some redflags of things to look for and possibly run away from when searching for a good hairdresser.
      Ever walk into a salon and its mostly old women getting their tight curly perms and the pictures on the walls of hairstyles are from the 60's? Yeah thats a sure as shit sign u need to just turn around and leave immediately unless u like getting the 1920 Fingerwave.
Famous 1920s Fingerwave

       I for one truly despise going into "fancy" expensive hair salons full of women that hate eachother. When ya walk in you can feel the tension and feel the "i hate my life" attitude in there. Although i have to admit, if I had to work in an atmosphere full of snotty bitches I would be slitting my wrists too. Have you ever just looked at a women and you could tell she is a bitch right on the spot by her face and body language? Its like she has "Bitch" written across her forehead. They think they SEXY cause they are all decked out with their hair done did and make up caked on their faces lookin like a human version of "brats" dolls.

Brats doll make up job. You dont want this bitch doing your hair either. She cant see beyond her fake thick eyelashes and injected lips to even know what the fuck she is doing to your hair. She is too busy thinking about what other procedure she can get to look more FAKE than to give a damn about what your hair is gonna look like. RUN AWAY from this porn star hair dresser!!!

Then we have the Punk Rocker Style hairdresser, This girl usually is covered in tats and has crazy short spiked hair. This is the hairdresser your kinda nervous to let touch your hair but most likely she will do an awesome job. Just cuz her hair is crazy, purple and hot pink doesnt mean your will be this way unless you ask for it. Its usually just a reflection of her personality and dont worry you wont leave their looking like u work at "Hot Topic"
Punkish hairdresser- scary at 1st but usually a safe alternative. They arent like the petty bitches talking shit and gossiping. They are usually more "hippied out" and love all humanity type of people. Effin tree huggers

I personally have not been to my last two picks for hairdressers but I hear wonderful things about them and they may be the absolute best choices. Black Ghetto Ass girls can do hair! They have worked for centuries trying to get that nappy ass hair straight and have mastered a lot of amazing techniques that yes, even white girls can take advantage of their knowledge and get some good ass hair done with them. Especially if you want some good hair salon gossip like "Ooohhhh Girl! Did u hear about Shaniqua and Tyrone!?! ooohh yesss girl he was caught red handed knockin boots wit her cousanttttt(cousin in white people talk), you can even axe (ask) Shaniqua! she walked in and caught that HOE!" haha truly some real entertainment in these places.

And last we have possibly my favorite: The Gay Hairstylist! Now i know just cause he is gay doesnt make him better at doing hair. But there is just something about a man who has man qualities but can talk girl talk with you while rockin out your hair. And most people say they are in fact the best at doing hair than any woman. Perhaps because they are so into beauty more than even most women. Most gay men worship women. Even tho they dont wanna bend u over and bang u, they still wanna in a sense be you and admire real women. Just be prepared for some "man hate" talks cuz they have more relationship drama than any of us. Possibly cuz most (not all) gay men are whores.

So whichever you may choose, choose wisely based on your own personality and if the bitch fucks your hair up just slap the hoe and move on to the next til u find your perfect fit.

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